Thursday, February 26, 2015

Difference Between A Legitimate Webcam Company And A Dodgy Webcam Company

This particular blog update is for all the webcam newbies or anyone thinking of getting into the webcam business. The question I get all the time is how do you tell the difference between a legitimate webcam company and a dodgy webcam company and the answer is simple - if you have to pay to join a company, that is not a legitimate webcam company. You should never have to reach into your pocket for money just to start working. In fact I'll go as far as to say that the only investment you should have to make is money spent on your personal webcam, your computer and the money you pay for an internet connection. At no point should money exchange hands between you and the webcam company - well, I take that back. Money should not come from you to the company but if you do your job right, the webcam company should be the one sending money your way.

A perfect example of a legitimate webcam company is and that's not just because its free to join but also because it clearly lists how payments will be made. This is especially important as you need to know exactly when and how you'll be paid before you sign up with a company and any legitimate webcam company will have this information right on the home page as is the case here.

Additionally, dodgy webcam companies usually have no contact information anywhere on the site while legitimate companies have one or more ways you can get in touch with the folks behind the scenes in case you have any questions or concerns. A legitimate webcam company will usually have a contact form, an email address listed, a skype contact, a phone number or any combination of those communication tools  somewhere on their site.

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